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Kimberly Douglas

Certified Fitness Trainer

Nutrition Coach & Founder

Hello everyone! 

I have a huge passion for health and fitness. I have dedicated the last 9 years to learning different aspects of lifting, dieting, powerlifting and bodybuilding. I found my fitness place in the world when I transitioned from powerlifting to competing in Bikini for the National Physique Committee (NPC) and I have done 5 competitions, 1 at the National level and 1 internationally.

I have a Bachelor's Degree in Social Psychology, minor in Social Work and my Master's Degree Is In Mental Health with an emphasis in Prevention. I love that I am able to combine my education with my love for health and fitness by teaching clients strategies in overcoming mental and emotional roadblocks that get in their way of achieving their goals. I strive to focus my time in helping others experience powerful mindset shifts. With that often comes the behavioral changes needed to develop healthy lifelong habits and achieve your goals.

In addition to my formal education, I am certified through the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) as a Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach. I am on a mission to help as many people that I can, live their happiest and healthiest lives!

My 2012 Transformation

I am 6'1 and have always felt awkward with my height and body. I carried quite a bit of body fat, yet I was still relatively lanky because of my long limbs. I never felt strong and hated the way all clothes fit me. I felt most comfortable in basketball clothes to cover myself. These feelings and insecurities worsened after having my daughter in 2011. 

In December 2012, I decided to make a New Years Resolution to get healthy. This is probably the only resolution I actually kept but it took a lot of personal changes and the help of my first trainer, Lisa Brushe, to get me in the right direction with accountability and learning the gym. After 4 months, I began to feel confident and was seeing the small changes in my body, but also my mind, thoughts about myself and my view on physical activity. Once I grasped the understanding of nutrition, the game changed

I decided to compete in 2013 for two reasons. 1) It was a goal that I could focus my attention towards and commit myself to in order to develop the habits I needed for a lifestyle change 2) A mental challenge I knew I needed to break the yo-yo dieting I had struggled with. When I stepped on stage, I had very little muscle, but I was so proud that I DID IT! Over the next 5 years, I incorporated different methods of working out and diets to learn what my body responds to. This started out as a goal, and became the lifestyle that brought me much more than a better physique. I am mentally healthier, happier, and found a passion in helping others improve their own mental and physical health.

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